Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

LAN Tester circuit diagram

This LAN tester circuit originally designed by Vassilis Stergiopoulos. This LAN tester circuit optionally has two designs. The first design is built based 2 main ICs that are timer IC555 and decade counter 4017.
 LAN cable tester.

Here's a very simple, but practical circuit, which is used to check the type of LAN cables (straight or cross) as well as possible faults.
So we use a unit that has 8 outputs, each one of which produces a pulse successivly.
Only one output can be high at any time.
Then we use two rj45 connectors and we apply the pulses to the 8 pins of one connector (A) wnd we connect LEDs at the pins of the other connector (B).
If we connect a straight LAN cable, we notice that the LEDs glow one by one successively.
If a wire is broken, the coresponding LED will not glow.
Just watch the LEDs. If we connect a cross wire, then the order of LEDs glowing changes to 1,2,7,4,5,8,3,6. So we can laber the LEDs in that order, so that we can watch easily.
If both ends of the cable are not close enough to be pluged onto the curcuit, we can use an remote board, which has only one rj-45 connector and 8 LEDs.
Then plug one end of the cable to connector A on main board and connect the other end to the remote unit.
Notice that no common wire is needed for the remote unit.

I have included an alternative circuit instead of using classic ics, I use the AVR ATtiny2313, but any AVR controller can be easily adapted.
See photo and diagram.

Thank you
Vasilis Stergiopoulos

This LAN tester circuit originally designed by Vassilis Stergiopoulos. This LAN tester circuit optionally has two designs. The first design is built based 2 main ICs that are timer IC555 and decade counter 4017. The second design is based microcontroller chip ATtiny2313 (the other kind of microcontroller should be work). The first design circuit (555 and 4017) doesn’t need programming, you can use the circuit immediately after assembling. While for the second design, you need to download the program to the microcontroller.

; Test rj45 cable, by Stergiopoulos B. For any AVR. Here is for ATtiny2313
; ajust internal clock to 8MHz or change accordingly Td value below.
; *****************************************************************************
; The mpu produces successive outputs at portD, where the LAN-cable is connected.
; So we can tell if all wires of cable are connected and in which order.
; Just watch the glow order of the LEDs. If a straight cable is connected between
; connectors A and B, then the LEDs will glow in successive order.
; If a cross cable is connected, then the glow order will be as noted on the board,
; i.e. 1,2,7,4,5,8,3,6. If any other glow order occurs, it means that the cable
; is not wired correctly. If one ore more LEDs don't glow, then we have corresponding
; lack of contact.
; An extra remote unit with only B connector (B2) can be used, in case that both
; ends of the cable cannot be brought close enough to be connected on the same board.
; See diagram.


; Code starts here
.ORG $0000

.def    temp1     = r16
.def    T1         = r17
.def    T2         = r18
.def    T3         = r19
.def    cnt        = r29    ; binary counter 0-7
.def    indexL    = r30    ; these registers are for lpm instruction
.def    indexH    = r31

.equ    Td        = 3    ; delay time

rjmp RESET                ; Reset Handler

; ****************** routines *****************************************

delay:    ser        T1        ; long delay
        ser        T2
        ldi        T3,Td
sdel1:    dec        T1
        brne    sdel1
        ser        T1
        dec        T2
        brne    sdel1
        ser        T2
        dec        T3
        brne    sdel1

; ******************** Main program ********************************

RESET:    ldi        r16,LOW(RAMEND)    ;Initiate Stackpointer.
        out        SPL,r16
        ser        temp1
        out        ddrA,temp1
        out        ddrB,temp1
        out        ddrD,temp1
        out        portB,temp1
        clr        temp1
        out        portA,temp1
        out        portD,temp1
        rcall    delay        ; test LEDs

start:    ldi        indexH,HIGH(2*leds)
        ldi        indexL,LOW(2*leds)
        clr        cnt
st1:    lpm        temp1,z+
        out        portB,temp1
        out        portD,cnt
        inc        cnt
        cpi        cnt,8
        brne    st2
        clr        cnt
st2:    rcall    delay
        cpi        temp1,128    ; end of row?
        breq    start
        rjmp    st1            ; take next data

.db        1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128

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