This circuit produces a very high voltage and care must be used to prevent getting a nasty shock. The transformer can produce over 1,00...
Ultra Bright LED Lamp
Ultra Light Led is the future. The Ultra Bright LEDs works at a voltage between 3 and 3.6 V and current between 10 and 30mA. This circui...
How to Design Your Own LED Lamp
We probably wonder just how this little bead of acrylic smaller than a pea manages to radiate a visible beam of very intense light in many...
Mains Powered White LED Lamp
Did it ever occur to you that an array of white LEDs can be used as a small lamp for the living room? If not, read on. LED lamps are availa...
Automatic LED Emergency Light - Modified Version
As there is serious discussions going on about our previous Automatic LED Emergency Light Circuit using LM 317 , Mr.Seetharaman has come up ...
Automatic LED Emergency Light
LED Emergency Light We have developed three circuits under Automatic LED Emergency Light. Two of them are designed by Mr. Seetharaman , a v...
Mains Operated LED Circuit
This is a modified version of the circuit Super bright LED Night Light published here. This circuit is submitted by Mr. Seetharaman and its...
Super bright LED night light
Description. Here is the circuit diagram of a super bright LED night lamp that can be operated from the mains supply. Bridge D1 is used to...
Mains operated LED lamp
Description. This is a very simple and cost effective mains operated LED lamp which gives a very bright white light.Since no transformer...
Automatic - Low Cost Emergency Light Electronic
Description Here is a white-LED-based emergency ablaze that offers the afterward advantages : 1. It is awful ablaze due to the use of whi...
18 LED dimmable LED lamp
Introduction This circuit is a dimmable white LED lamp array with 18 LEDs. The lamp brightness is regulated as long as the input voltage...